Saturday, October 30, 2010

Scenes from Wonderland

Jameson, Sarah Jane and Sam L. have fun drawing faces on pumpkins with bath crayons.  They used a tooth brush to wash them clean.

Melting Witch
Marley, Harper and Eden threw wet sponges to try and make the chalk witch melt away.

Other highlights from Wonderland include a Jack-o-lantern with three faces, a classroom spiderweb using yarn and chairs, spooky hidden pictures and monster masks.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

All in a Day's Work

Yoga with Ms. Kelly (flamingo pose)

Secret agents, super heroes and rock stars

 Ms Melissa read Go Away Big Green Monster and we made masks
for our monster play.

Apple tasting with Ms. Emily

Looks like Golden Delicious was the favorite!

Making letters with scented play-doh

 Ms. Jennifer read Glad Monster, Sad Monster

Monday, October 18, 2010

All Things Fall!

                                            Weighing gourds and trying to balance the scale
                        Going for walks with our sketchbooks and clipboards to draw what we see
                     Writing about what we did over the weekend (pumpkin patch, apple orchard)
                                                                              Fall pattern pizzas

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

General Meeting of the Parents' Association

We are pleased to announce that the SCCS Parents' Association will hold a General Meeting of the Parents' Association on Thursday, November 4, 2010, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. in Windsor Lounge on the Stephens College campus.  This meeting will feature remarks from Dr. Dianne Lynch, President of Stephens College, followed by a Q & A session.

Since her inauguration in 2009, Dr. Lynch has been a strong supporter of Stephens College Children's School. We look forward to hearing from her.
Drinks and nosh will be provided.

The Parents' Association will conduct a short meeting as well, featuring details on our Barnes & Noble Bookfair, T-shirts, Spring Auction & more.
Childcare, provided by SLATE, will be available at the Preschool--starting at 5:30! Look for sign-up sheets in the classrooms to give SLATE an accurate headcount.

We'll see you Thursday, November 4 from 5:30 to 7:00 at Windsor Lounge!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Ameren UE
Children's Theatre
The whole school enjoyed a play sponsored by Ameren UE today.  The topic was Green Energy.  The children learned about what resources we use to make energy.  Through this interactive play with characters including Mr. X(who stole the world's resources), Agent Double O Negative and Boomerang Jacky(who had to stop Mr. X), the children were given three ways to help use less energy. 
They include:
1. Using Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs
2. Turning your thermostat up or down two degrees depending on the season.
3. Unplug any phones etc. when not in use.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Books we've been reading in Honalee

We read No David by David Shannon and discussed how we can say things in a positive way and reviewed our "can do rules."

Scenes from Honalee

Drew was our Mystery reader.

Having fun during Literacy

Allison helping Bradley find the beginning letter of his name.

Emalee spelling her name with the magnet letters.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Scenes from Roxaboxen

                                  Our mystery reader-Christian Rischer (Audrey's brother)- read
                                                                        Duck on a Bike today.
We worked on our messge boxes for the new message center.

We worked on messages to each other and created a message poster       with words and phrases we might use for other messages.