Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pumpkins in Honalee

Today in Honalee we discussed the outside and inside of a pumpkin.  Everyone had a chance to stick their hands in and play with the "guts".  The students noticed that there were 100's of seeds and the inside was slimy.  We then baked our own pumpkin seeds to have as a healthy snack.  Ask your child what they thought about our pumpkin investigation.  Pictures will be posted soon!

Pumpkin Seeds
-Melted butter

1. Scoop seeds out of pumpkin
2. Rince seeds off in bowl of salt water
3. Strain
4. Toss in melted butter
5. Spread seeds out over a baking sheet
6. Bake at 375 degress for about 45 minutes or until the butter has browned
7. Enjoy!

*You can also bake the seeds with garlic powder, pepper, cinamon, or whatever else you can think of!

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